CDs, Videos & Books

„ I have been involved in many musical projects the past 25 years and I am grateful for all the musicians I have been able to work, record and to perform with. The diversity and vitality of my work is portrayed through the videos and CDs you will find on this page. My newest CD “Beyond Shadows” was sparked by the lock down in March 2020 caused by the corona virus. This was a year and opportunity to stay creative and produce new material for upcoming concerts. May we stay hopeful and enjoy listening to my music.”

Cd „Beyond Shadows“
Sue Sheehan, 2020
label „Liekedeler“
Kosten 15 EUR

Beyond Shadows
01 Take in Stride [anhören]
02 Things we hand down [anhören]
03 House on the Hill [anhören]
06 Sitting on a Mountain [anhören]
07 Winters Day [anhören]
12 Hope and Dreams [anhören]

Portrait video from Sue Sheehan

Time`s Ticking
Far Away [anhören]
Waiting for the train [anhören]
Watch them go [anhören]
With the stars [anhören]

Cd „Time`s Ticking“
Sue Sheehan, 2016
label „Liekedeler“
Kosten 15 EUR

For Earth`s Sake!
video: Sue Sheehan
music: Sue Sheehan and Sudden Flow

Simple Things
video: Sue Sheehan
music: Sue Sheehan and Sudden Flow

Live concert, Italy 2016
music: Sue Sheehan with Elisabeth Cutler and Mats Hedberg

People with such beauty and pain, this planet needs a change!
video: Sue Sheehan
music: Sue Sheehan and Sudden Flow

Sailing Alone
video: from Sue Sheehan
music: from the Emerald CD „The Great Divide“

Rocky Roads
patagonia film: Sue Sheehan
music: from Sudden Flow CD „Tales of the Future Past“

Cd „Tales of the Future Past“
Sudden Flow, 2015
L&R Records,
Kosten 15 EUR

Journey Live concert, Venne 2014
Sudden Flow

video: Sue Sheehan
This song was written after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The music was especially made by Günter Kramer from Sudden Flow for this video and can be heard on the Sudden Flow CD „Tales of the Future Past“

Flying A Kite Live video, 2013
Sudden Flow

Cd „on a single wing“
Emerald, 2013
label „leiselaut“
Kosten 15 EUR

Sudden Flow, 2010
label „leiselaut“
Kosten 15 EUR

Song 1: HEAVEN & HELL (2:50) G.Kramer
Song 2: GIVE IT TO ME (3:11) G.Kramer
Song 5: RAIN (2:55) words: S.Sheehan / music: G.Kramer

Cd „The great divide“
Emerald, 2008
label „leiselaut“
Kosten 15 EUR

CD „oppin“
Brassberries, 2006
Kosten 15 EUR

Summerfly, 2001
Kosten 10 EUR


„Da Sehnsucht kommt, hat sie zu sehen angefangen.“ (Christa Wolf)

Sue Sheehan und ihre Schwester Elizabeth Sheehan nehmen uns in diesem Bildband auf eine sehnsüchtige Reise durch die Welt mit. Viele tausend Kilometer, mindestens ein Ozean und ein manchmal wochenlanger Postweg lagen zwischen den beiden Schwestern, als die Briefe und Fotografien entstanden sind. Mit Worten und Bildern schlagen die beiden Amerikanerinnen Brücken zwischen sich selbst und der Welt, in der sie sich gerade “sehnsüchtig” bewegen: Von Gorleben nach Nicaragua, von Paris nach…, von der Fotografin zur Schreiberin. An dem meistens fröhlichen, manchmal ironischen und oft auch nachdenklichen Blick, den Sue und Elizabeth auf diese Welt riskieren, lassen sie nun auch die Betrachter teilhaben – und entfachen die Sucht zu sehen. In diesem Blick auf die Welt und die Menschen darin können wir eintauchen, die Seh-Sucht aufnehmen, die Reise mitmachen – und unseren eigenen Blickwinkel entdecken.

Petzi Maluga, eine seh-süchtige Mitreisende (Journalistin, Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung)


„Passion comes from seeing, so she began to see“ (Christa Wolf)

In this book, Sue Sheehan and her sister Elizabeth Sheehan take us on a trip throughout the world. Many thousands of miles, at least one ocean, and at times a week long mail trip remained as a distance between both sisters. This is where the pictures and letters originated. With words and photographs, the two Americans built bridges between themselves and the world. A world in which they move and see with passion: From Gorleben, Germany to Nicaragua, from Paris to…, from the photographer to the writer. Many pictures depict joy, others irony and often thought provoking. The viewer participates and discovers what Sue and Elizabeth have experienced in this world and kindle the desire, to see. We can immerse in this world of moments of time and people, take in their desire to see, participate in the journey and discover our own viewpoint.

Petzi Maluga, a traveller longing to see.

„overcoming di- Vision – en fürs Auge“
Photo book from Sue&Elizabeth Sheehan,
published in 2000
Kosten 15 EUR